Episode 018 – Livin’ Large with The Sims (Part 1)

Episode 016 – The Inevitable Disney Episode

Episode 016 – The Inevitable Disney Episode Episode Show Notes In this Episode, the Fam talks about their love of all things Disney.   Are you a big-time Disney Fan?  What are your favorites movies, songs, rides?  Email us at...
Episode 018 – Livin’ Large with The Sims (Part 1)

Episode 015 – Preparing for Thor

Episode 015 – Preparing for Thor Episode Show Notes In this Episode, the Fam talks about how we’ve been preparing for the new Thor movie coming out this week!   How are you preparing for Thor?  Email us at...
Episode 018 – Livin’ Large with The Sims (Part 1)

Episode 013 – MOBAs: DPS? DoTA? WTF? LoL

Episode 013 – MOBAs: DPS? DoTA? WTF? LoL Episode Show Notes In this Episode, the Chris and Amber discuss the history of MOBAs, and their favorite games in this genre.   What are your favorite MOBA games?  Email us at...